Heroku to fly.io

Some time ago I've published Heroku vs render post where the outcome was going back to heroku.
But since then my app grew in traffic and heroku decided to ditch their free tiers (I've used free redis-to-go there).
Because of my issues with render back then I've decided to try out different provider this time and went with fly.io - best decision ever.

If you run fly launch from your Rails root directory it will basically walk you through the process.
One important thing before you run fly deploy if you you also need to run sidekiq is to adjust [processes] section in fly.toml to something like this:

    web = "bin/rails server"
    workers = "bundle exec sidekiq"

They have a really nice documentation on Rails application on their platform.

What I like about fly is just that - their documentation and active community. Add nicely looking dashboard and reasonable pricing and you have a great solution.

Oh, and look how easy it is to run multi-region deployments!

There are some things that needs to be improved, like usage view and I could really use some kind of cron scheduler, but given how the product grow I think it's only the matter of time before it happens.