Linux on a laptop, 2020 edition - Arch on Clevo N141CU
If you're new into the Linux ecosystem, consider using Ubuntu or elementary instead of Arch unless you're willing to spend a significant amount of time learning about Linux internals.
Furthermore, what I will cover here is well described in the official Arch Linux installation guide
As Clevo N141CU (or Galago Pro, if you bought it from System76) doesn't have an optical drive, we're going to use a USB stick.
Download the latest archlinux ISO from the official release site and write it onto your USB stick using dd
or Balena Etcher
dd if=archlinux-2020.06.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdc
Replace /dev/sdc
with the path of your disk (check it with fdisk -l
if you're on a Linux already)
Use a wired connection if you can, but if you cannot, NetworkManager is your ally:
systemctl start NetworkManager.service
nmcli device wifi list
nmcli device wifi connect SSID password password
And that's it; you should have your wireless connection working
Next step is to update the system clock:
timedatectl set-ntp true
Then you should partition the disk. Remember that you need to format EFI partition as FAT32.
When you're done with that, mount proper partitions (I assume you set EFI
partition as the first one, swap partition as second, /
partition as third, and /home
partition as the fourth):
mount /dev/nvme0n0p2 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/nvme0n0p1 /mnt/boot
mkdir /mnt/home
mount /dev/nvme0n0p4 /mnt/home
Arch installation
To install Arch Linux on the system, you have just prepared simply run:
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim linux linux-firmware
Generate /etc/fstab
file based on current mounts:
genstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Chroot into the bootstrapped system:
arch-chroot /mnt
Set your local time zone:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Warsaw /etc/localtime
And synchronize system clock with the hardware clock
hwclock --systohc
Configure and generate locales:
vim /etc/locale.gen
Uncomment the lines according to what you need. In my case it's
- en_US.ISO-8859-1
- en_US.UTF-8
- pl_PL.UTF-8
- pl_PL.ISO-8859-2
And run locale-gen
so the system may generate proper files.
After we have our locale generated, we need to set them for our system. To do this, edit file /etc/locale.conf
and set the LOCALE
variable to your needs. In my case there's a line LOCALE=en_US.UTF-8
We also need to "name" our machine somehow, edit /etc/hosts
and add corresponding lines to /etc/hosts
. I've named my machine thor
and my /etc/hosts
look like this:
# See hosts(5) for details. localhost
::1 localhost thor.local thor
We need to create initial ramdisk, in Arch we have mkinitcpio
bash script for that:
mkinitcpio -p linux
We also need to install a bootloader, and as we're using EFI and have Intel CPU, we should keep this in mind.
pacman -S grub efibootmgr intel-ucode
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/efi/ --bootloader-id=GRUB
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
That's everything you need to do to have a running system. As the last few steps, I'd set the root password, using passwd
and add a new user with the ability to sudo
useradd -m -s /bin/bash mkozak
passwd mkozak
pacman -S sudo
gpasswd -a mkozak sudo
And as the last steps:
pacman -S networkamanager
To not end without networking after reboot, then Ctrl+D to exit chroot, umount disks, and reboot
umount -R /mnt
And voila, after removing your USB stick, you should boot into freshly installed Arch.